Vector Types#

amongoc defines various dynamically-sized contiguous array types. These are stamped out from a template and all follow an identical API shape. These vector types are conventially named as xyz_vec, where xyz is the name of the element type.

This page will document the vector type interface using a placeholder type item_vec::T.


The vector API template is contained in a publicly-visible header, but direct use of that header is an implementation detail.

struct [[zero_initializable]] item_vec#

A dynamically-sized contiguous array of objects of type T. Note that the name item_vec is a stand-in for an actual concrete vector type.

type T#

The name “T” herein acts as a stand-in for the type of the actual vector elements, which vary.


[[zero_initializable]] A zero-initialized vector is considered null, and holds no objects. Deleting a null vector is a no-op. A null vector cannot be resized: It must first be initialized using item_vec_new().

A vector type will automatically call a pre-defined destructor function on the vector elements when it is resized or deleted.

T *data#

A pointer to the first element of the contiguous array. The length of the pointed-to array is designated by size.

size_t size#

The length of the array pointed-to by data

mlib_allocator allocator#

The dynamic memory allocator associated with this object.

T *begin()#
T *end()#

Allows use as a C++ range

item_vec::T *item_vec_begin(item_vec vec)#
item_vec::T *item_vec_end(item_vec vec)#

Obtain the begin/end pointers to the dynamically-sized array managed by vec.

size_t item_vec_max_size(void)#

Obtain the maximum number of objects that can be stored in an item_vec

[[1]] item_vec item_vec_new(mlib_allocator alloc)#
[[2]] item_vec item_vec_new_n(size_t n, bool *alloc_okay, mlib_allocator alloc)#

Create a new vector of objects. [[1]] Creates a new empty vector. [[2]] is equivalent to calling [[1]] followed by an immediate item_vec_resize().

  • n – The number of objects to be created.

  • alloc_okay – A boolean that is set to true when the function succeeds. A false result indicates an allocation failure. This must not be null, as this is the only reliable way to detect allocation failures.

  • alloc – The allocator for the new vector.

void item_vec_delete(item_vec [[transfer, nullable]] self)#

Destroy all elements are release any store associated with self.

bool item_vec_resize(item_vec *self, size_t count)#

Resize the vector self to contain count items. Removed items are destroyed. Returns true on success, returns false if there was an allocation failure.

item_vec::T *item_vec_push(item_vec *self)#

Append a new item to the end of the vector. Upon success, returns a pointer to the added object. If there is an allocation failure, then a null pointer is returned.