Time Utilities#

<mlib/time.h> (header file)#

Contains utilities for working with times and durations


struct [[zero_initializable]] mlib_duration#

Represent a strongly-typed duration. This is a trivial type. A duration may be positive, negative, or zero.


A zero-initialized mlib_duration represents a zero duration, corresponding to no time elapsing.

Functions & Macros#

mlib_duration mlib_microseconds(int64_t n)#
mlib_duration mlib_milliseconds(int64_t n)#
mlib_duration mlib_seconds(int64_t n)#

Create an mlib_duration representing a duration of the given number of time units.

Passing a too-small/too-large value will result in a duration that is clamped to a minimum/maximum value.

int64_t mlib_microseconds_count(mlib_duration d)#
int64_t mlib_milliseconds_count(mlib_duration d)#
int64_t mlib_seconds_count(mlib_duration d)#

Return the count of the number of time units represented by the given duration. The count is rounded toward zero for sub-unit durations.

The returned value may be incorrect if your program is moving near the speed of light. Such use cases are unsupported.