Strings & String Views#

<mlib/str.h> (header file)#

Defines types and functions for handling strings and views of strings of characters.


struct [[zero_initializable]] mlib_str_view#

[[zero_initializable]] A zero-initialized mlib_str_view represents a null string view. It does not point to any string, including any empty string. Testing for a null string view can be done by testing whether the data member is a null pointer. A null string view is not equal to any non-null string view. Two null strings views are considered equivalent.


Converting a null mlib_str_view to a C++ std::string_view will create a std::string_view that views an unspecified empty string.

const char *data#
size_t len#

Pointer to the character array of the string, and the length of the pointed-to string as a count of char.


The pointed-to array at data is not guaranteed to be null-terminated, and the pointed-to array may contain embedded nul characters.

static mlib_str_view from(const std::string_view&)#

(C++) Obtain a view that views the given std::string_view

operator std::string_view() const#

(C++) The mlib_str_view is implicitly convertible to a std::string_view

bool operator==(std::string_view sv) const#

Compare the string with another string

struct [[zero_initializable]] mlib_str#

Represents a dynamically allocated immutable null-terminated string.


[[zero_initializable]] A zero-initialized mlib_str represent a null string. This is distinct from an empty string. Testing for a null string can be done by comparing the data member to a null pointer. Calling mlib_str_delete() on a null string is a no-op. Creating an mlib_str_view from a null string will create a null mlib_str_view. Using a null string for any other operation is undefined behavior.

const char *data#

Pointer to the array of characters. This is guaranteed to be null-terminated, but may contain embedded nulls.

mlib_allocator alloc#

The allocator used for this string

To get the length of the string, use mlib_strlen()


This type supports the creation of strings that contain embedded null characters!

struct mlib_str_mut#

A mutable string type. Convertible to mlib_str by accessing the str member.

Internally, this has an anonymous union member to implement the type pun.

Creating a new string is done using mlib_str_new() or mlib_str_copy().

char *data#

Pointer to the mutable array of characters. This is guaranteed to be null-terminated, but may contain embedded null characters.

mlib_allocator alloc#

The memory allocator used by this string.

mlib_str str#

Accessing this member of the struct will yield an equivalent read-only mlib_str instance. Copying this member is effectively the same as moving the mutable string into an immutable copy.

type __string_convertible#

A __string_convertible parameter is any type that can be converted to an mlib_str_view. The following types are supported in C and C++ code:

From C++ code, any type convertible to std::string_view may be used.

Globals & Constants#

const mlib_str_view mlib_str_view_null#
const mlib_str mlib_str_null#

A null mlib_str_view and mlib_str.


This is implemented as a C preprocessor macro

Functions & Macros#

String View Creation#

mlib_str_view mlib_str_view_from(__string_convertible S)#

Coerce a string-like object S to a mlib_str_view.


This is implemented as a C preprocessor macro

mlib_str_view mlib_str_view_data(const char *s, size_t len)#

Obtain a mlib_str_view from a character array pointed-to by s.


s – A pointer to a character array.


mlib_str_view_from_data may be used to create UTF-8 views that contain embeded U+0000 ␀ NULL codepoints. This will work in many places, but attempting to use such a string for an element key will result in an element with a key that is truncated at the first embedded nul. See: mlib_str_view_chopnulls()

mlib_str_view mlib_str_view_chopnulls(__string_convertible v)#

Return the longest prefix of v that does not contain any embedded U+0000 ␀ null character. If v does not contain an null characters, the returned string will be equal to v.

This function is used on UTF-8 strings that are given as element keys when BSON is being modified.


This is implemented as a C preprocessor macro

String Creation#

mlib_str_mut mlib_str_new()#
mlib_str_mut mlib_str_new(size_t n)#
mlib_str_mut mlib_str_new(size_t n, mlib_allocator alloc)#

Construct a new mlib_str_mut.

  • n – The number of characters to allocate for the new string.

  • alloc – A memory allocator to imbue in the new string.

New characters are zero-initialized.


The created string must eventually be cast to mlib_str and deleted with mlib_str_delete().


This is implemented as a C preprocessor macro

mlib_str_mut mlib_str_copy(__string_convertible s)#
mlib_str_mut mlib_str_copy(__string_convertible s, mlib_allocator alloc)#

Create a copy of the given string s.

  • s – A string from which to copy characters.

  • alloc – A memory allocator for the new string.


The created string must eventually be cast to mlib_str and deleted with mlib_str_delete().


This is implemented as a C preprocessor macro

void mlib_str_delete(mlib_str [[transfer]] s)#

Delete and deallocate any associated memory for the string s [[transfer]].

String Manipulation & Modification#

void mlib_str_assign(mlib_str *s, mlib_str [[transfer]] from)#

Delete the string pointed-to by s and take the new value from from.

  • s – A non-null pointer to a valid mlib_str object. A zero-initialized mlib_str is considered valid.

  • from – A string that will be moved into s.

Ownership of the resource in from is considered to be transferred into s. Any resources previously owned by s are released. This function is equivalent to:

s = from;

This is intended as a convenience for rebinding a mlib_str in a single statement from an expression returning a new mlib_str, which may itself use s, without requiring a temporary variable, for example:

mlib_str s = get_string();
mlib_str_assign(&s, convert_to_uppercase_copy(s));
bool mlib_str_mut_resize(mlib_str_mut *mut, size_t new_len)#

Resize the mutable string mut to have length new_len. Returns false in case of allocation failure.

The original contents of mut are unmodified. New characters are zero-initialized.

mlib_str mlib_str_splice(
__string_convertible str,
size_t pos,
size_t del_count,
__string_convertible insert,
mlib_allocator alloc = mlib_default_allocator,

Create a new string based on str with the given modifications.

  • str – The string from which we will copy.

  • pos – The zero-based index at which to perform the splice.

  • del_count – The number of code units that will be deleted from the string. This will be clamped to the string length.

  • insert – A string that will be inserted at pos.

  • alloc – An allocator for the new string.

If del_count is zero, this simply inserts the string. If insert is empty, this will only delete characters from the string. If del_count is zero and insert is empty, simply returns a copy of the string.

Returns a null string on allocation failure.

mlib_str mlib_str_append(__string_convertible s, __string_convertible suffix)#
mlib_str mlib_str_prepend(__string_convertible s, __string_convertible prefix)#

Append or prepend an affix to another string.

mlib_str mlib_str_insert(
__string_convertible s,
size_t pos,
__string_convertible infix,

Insert the string infix into a copy of string s at position pos.

mlib_str mlib_str_erase(__string_convertible s, size_t pos, size_t count)#

Erase count code units in a new copy of s at position pos.

mlib_str mlib_str_remove_prefix(__string_convertible s, size_t count)#
mlib_str mlib_str_remove_suffix(__string_convertible s, size_t count)#

Remove count characters from the beginning/end of a copy of s.

mlib_str mlib_substr(__string_convertible s, size_t pos, size_t len)#

Create a new string copy of the substring of s beginning at pos and continuing for at most len code units.

String Observers#

bool mlib_str_eq(__string_convertible a, __string_convertible b)#

Test whether two strings are equal. a and b are considered equal if they have the same length and equal code units at each position in the string.

char mlib_str_at(__string_convertible S, ptrdiff_t off)#

Obtain the character at the given offset, with negative index wrapping.


off – The zero-based offset if non-negative. If negative, accesses from the end of the string such that -1 is the last character, -2 is the second-last character, etc.

int mlib_str_find(__string_convertible haystack, __string_convertible needle)#
int mlib_str_rfind(__string_convertible haystack, __string_convertible needle)#

Find the zero-based offset of an occurrence of needle within haystack. If the substring is not found, returns an unspecified negative value.

mlib_str_find() finds the first occurrence of needle, while mlib_str_rfind() finds the last occurrence of needle.

size_t mlib_strlen(__string_convertible S)#

Obtain the length of the given string as a number of char code units.