- amongoc_emitter [[type(int64_t)]] amongoc_delete_ex(
- amongoc_collection *coll,
- bson_view filter,
- bool delete_only_one,
- amongoc_delete_params const *[[nullable]] params,
- amongoc_emitter [[type(int64_t)]] amongoc_delete_many(
- amongoc_collection *coll,
- bson_view filter,
- amongoc_delete_params const *[[nullable]] params,
- amongoc_emitter [[type(int64_t)]] amongoc_delete_one(
- amongoc_collection *coll,
- bson_view filter,
- amongoc_delete_params const *[[nullable]] params,
Delete documents from a collection. Resolves with the number of documents that were deleted.
See also
struct [[zero_initializable]] amongoc_delete_params#
bson_view collation#
bson_value_ref hint#
bson_view let#
bson_value_ref comment#
See also
bson_view collation#