Configuring, Building, & Using#

Building amongoc requires a C++20 compiler. The following tools are known to work:

Building on Windows or with MSVC is not currently supported.

Builds are only currently tested with Debian 12 and Alpine 3.20. Support for other platforms may be considered in the future, but are not currently planned for this prototype.

Third-Party Dependencies#

When configuring and building amongoc with CMake, the configuration script will attempt to automatically obtain build-time dependencies using vcpkg. This behavior can be disabled by setting AMONGOC_USE_PMM to OFF. Relying on vcpkg will attempt to build the third-party dependencies during project configuration, which may require additional configure-time dependencies.

The following external libraries are required when building amongoc. If not relying vcpkg, then they will need to be installed and available before configuring the project:

  • OpenSSL

  • Boost.URL and Boost.Container

  • {fmt}

  • If using vcpkg to install dependencies (the default), then you will also need to have Tar, cURL, Perl, Zip/Unzip, pkg-config, Make, and Bash. On Linux, you will also need the linux development headers.

The following packages are downloaded using CMake’s FetchContent, and need not be manually installed:

  • Catch2 - Only required for testing and only imported if BUILD_TESTING is enabled.

  • Asio - Used for asynchronous I/O (Build-time only) (Note: Not Boost.Asio!)

  • neo-fun (Build-time only)

The following table details the dependencies of the imported amongoc::amongoc target, along with the common Linux packages that contain them:






fmt-devel (may require EPEL)



Boost::url + Boost::container


libboost-{url,container}-dev (may require a version infix)







CMake built-in

CMake built-in

CMake built-in

Build Configuration#

The following CMake configuration options are supported:


Set the installation path for CMake package files that are to be found using find_package



This is based on the similar variables that are used in GNUInstallDirs.


A comma-separated list of sanitizers to enable for the build. Note that if this is enabled, then the exported library will attempt to link to the sanitizer libraries as well.


If enabled, the amongoc build will use ccache for compilation. This defaults to ON if a suitable ccache executable is found.


If enabled, thne amongoc build will link using the LLD linker instead of the default.


This variables comes from the CTest CMake module and can toggle the generation/building of tests.


These variables come from GNUInstallDirs and control the paths to installed files for separate package components. Refer to that module for details.


Toggle usage of PMM to automatically download and import dependencies at configure-time using vcpkg.


ON if configuring amongoc as the top-level project, OFF otherwise (e.g. when added as a sub-project)

If this toggle is enabled, then vcpkg will be executed during CMake configuration to download and build the dependencies required by amongoc.

If you want to manage dependencies yourself, disable this toggle. You will need to ensure that the configure-time dependencies are available to find_package.

Building with Earthly#

Earthly is a container-based build automation tool. amongoc ships with an Earthfile that eases building by using containerization.

Earthfile (repository file)#

The configuration file building and package with Earthly.

+build-alpine (Earthly target)#
+build-debian (Earthly target)#
+build-fedora (Earthly target)#
+build-rl (Earthly target)#

Build targets that build for Alpine Linux (with libmusl), Debian, Fedora, and RockyLinux (for RedHat-compatible binaries).

The Alpine, Fedora, and Debian build uses the system’s default toolchain. The RockyLinux build uses the RedHat devtoolset[1] to obtain an up-to-date compiler for producing RedHat-compatible binaries.

+build-xyz/pkg (Earthly artifact)#
+build-xyz/install (Earthly artifact)#

Built artifacts from the build targets. The /pkg artifact contains binary packages create by CPack: A .tar.gz archive, a .zip archive, and a self-extracting shell script .sh. The /install artifact contains an install tree from the build.


To build and obtain a package for Debian-compatible systems, the following command can be used to obtain the packages for the +build-debian target:

$ earthly -a +build-debian/pkg deb-pkg
## [Earthly output] ##
$ ls deb-pkg*

The resulting .sh script can be used to install the built library and headers.

The same command can work for the +build-alpine, +build-fedora, and +build-rl targets.

Importing in CMake#

To use amongoc in a CMake project, import the amongoc package:

find_package(amongoc 0.1.0 REQUIRED)

Using the Imported Target#

The CMake package defines a primary imported target: amongoc::amongoc, which can be linked into an application:

add_executbale(my-program main.c)
target_link_libraries(my-program PRIVATE amongoc::amongoc)

By default, the amongoc CMake package will attempt to import dependencies using find_dependency. This import can be disabled by changing AMONGOC_FIND_DEPENDENCIES.

If you build amongoc using vcpkg (the default) it is highly recommended to use vcpkg in your own project to install amongoc’s dependencies, as it is not guaranteed that the packages provided elsewhere will be compatible with the packages that were used in the amongoc build.




This is an import-time CMake setting that is defined for projects that call find_package to import amongoc. It has no effect on building amongoc itself.

If enabled (the default), then amongoc will try to find its dependencies during import. If disabled, then amongoc will assume that the necessary imported targets will be defined elsewhere by the importing package.
