BSON Values#

<bson/value_ref.h> (header file)#
<bson/value.h> (header file)#

Contains APIs for working with arbitrary BSON element values.


struct [[zero_initializable]] bson_value_ref#

A non-owning read-only view of a BSON value.


[[zero_initializable]] Has type bson_type_eod, and represents a null value reference. Note that this is distinct from a reference to a bson_type_null value!


This is a union-like type. Only one of the value fields is active at a time. Check type before accessing other fields.


For simple built-in types and aggregate types, the value ref takes a by-value copy of the value. It does not store a pointer to simple types. The “reference” semantics apply to the non-trivial types such as strings and document references.


bson_type type#

The active type of the viewed value. The special type tag bson_type_eod represents a null value reference.

union __anon#


The following are accessed directly on the bson_value_ref instance

bson_eod eod#
double double_#
mlib_str_view utf8#
bson_view document#
bson_array_view array#
bson_binary_view binary#
bson_undefined undefined#
bson_oid oid#
bool bool_#
bson_datetime datetime#
bson_null null#
bson_regex_view regex#
bson_dbpointer_view dbpointer#
bson_code_view code#
bson_symbol_view symbol#
int32_t int32#
bson_timestamp timestamp#
int64_t int64#
bson_decimal128 decimal128#
bson_maxkey maxkey#
bson_minkey minkey#

The various values that can be viewed by the reference. Each field corresponds to a value of the type member.

C++ Members#

static bson_value_ref from(__bson_value_convertible V)#

Obtain a bson_value_ref instance that views the given value V

bool as_bool()#
std::int32_t as_int32(bool *okay = nullptr)#
std::int64_t as_int64(bool *okay = nullptr)#
double as_double(bool *okay = nullptr)#

bson_value_as_bool(), bson_value_as_int32(), bson_value_as_int64(), and bson_value_as_double()

bson_view get_document_or_array(bson_view dflt = {})#

If the value is a document or an array, return a view of that value. Otherwise, returns dflt.

bool operator==(std::integral auto i)#
bool operator==(std::string_view sv)#

Compare the value to an integer or a string. If the value does not carry the appropriate type, returns false.

template<typename F>
decltype(auto) visit(F &&fn) const#

Apply the value-visitor fn to the underlying value.


fn – An invocable object. Must be invocable with each data type that an element can hold. Each overload of the invocation must return the same type.


Returns the value obtained by invoking the visior function with the appropriate value.

struct [[zero_initializable]] bson_value#

An owning dynamically-typed BSON value.


[[zero_initializable]] Represents a lack of any value. Calling bson_value_delete() on such an object is a no-op. Creating a bson_value_ref from such a value will create a null bson_value_ref. Using a zero-initialized bson_value for most other operations is undefined behavior.


This is a union-like type. Only one of the value fields is active at a time. Check type before accessing other fields.


For simple built-in types and trivial aggregate types, does not allocate any resources.

bson_type type#

The active type of the stored value. The special type tag bson_type_eod represents a null value.

union __anon#


The following are accessed directly on the bson_value instance

bson_eod eod#
double double_#
mlib_str utf8#
bson_view document#
bson_byte_vec binary::bytes#
uint8_t binary::subtype#
bson_oid oid#
bool bool_#
bson_datetime datetime#
mlib_str regex::rx#
mlib_str regex::options#
mlib_str dbpointer::collection#
bson_oid dbpointer::object_id#
int32_t int32#
bson_timestamp timestamp#
int64_t int64#
bson_decimal128 decimal128#

The various values that can be stored. Each field corresponds to a value of the type member.

type __bson_value_convertible#

A __bson_value_convertible parameter is any type which can be converted to a bson_value_ref. The following types are supported:

Functions & Macros#

void bson_value_delete(bson_value [[transfer, nullable]] val)#

Delete any resources associated with the given BSON value.

bson_value_ref bson_value_ref_from(__bson_value_convertible V)#

Create a dynamically typed bson_value_ref that corresponds to a view of the given value.

bson_value bson_value_copy(__bson_value_convertible V)#
bson_value bson_value_copy(__bson_value_convertible V, mlib_allocator alloc)#

Create a copy of V stored in a dynamically typed bson_value. The returned value must eventually be destroyed.

bool bson_value_as_bool(bson_value_ref v)#
int32_t bson_value_as_int32(bson_value_ref v, bool *okay)#
int64_t bson_value_as_int64(bson_value_ref v, bool *okay)#
double bson_value_as_double(bson_value_ref v, bool *okay)#

Coerce the given BSON value to an numeric type.

  • it – A valid value to be decoded.

  • okay – An optional output parameter. If the returned value corresponds to the decoded element value, this is set to true. Otherwise, this will be set to false. bson_iterator_as_bool always coerces, so it omits this parameter.

Notes on behavior:

  • For coercing a boolean element to a number, a true element becomes 1, and false becomes 0.

  • Coercing between double, int32, and int64 will do the coercing according to the language’s conversion rules. (e.g. an int64 converted to a double will first extract an int64_t and then convert it to a double)

  • For coercing to a bool with bson_value_as_bool(), the following applies:

    • If the element is a numeric type, a true value will be returned if if is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it returns false.

    • For documents, arrays, and strings, the returned value is a bool corresponding to whether the corresponding value is non-empty. If decoding a subdocument fails, returns false.

    • For BSON types EOD, undefined, null, min-key, and max-key, returns false.

    • For all other BSON types, returns true unconditionally.