amongoc API Patterns

amongoc API Patterns#

The following details concern patterns in the amongoc API


All C types, macros, functions declared by amongoc are prefixed with amongoc_, bson_, or mlib_. All public C++ APIs are written within the amongoc, bson, or mlib namespaces. All public APIs (including macros and enumerators) are written in snake_case with lowercase letters.

All public C API structs, unless otherwise noted, are typedef‘d to their own name, meaning that the struct tag is unnecessary.

C Function Names#

Most C API functions follow the naming scheme:


For very-high-level building-block APIs that are expected to be used frequently. Examples:


For functions that act on a single value, where <subject> is a noun or noun phrase that designates the kind of its subject parameter. Examples:


For functions that act on a primary value with a secondary object type, where <subject> and <object> are nouns or noun phrases corresponding to the kind of the associated parameter. Examples:

Parameter Ordering#

C function parameters generally follow a standard ordering as follows:

  1. An event loop (amongoc_loop)

  2. The function subject. This is the primary target upon which a function will act. For callbacks this will be the userdata box/pointer.

  3. Flags and ancillary parameters

  4. Result status (amongoc_status)

  5. Result value (amongoc_box)

  6. An allocator (mlib_allocator)

  7. A userdata pointer or amongoc_box to bind with a callback parameter

  8. A callback function pointer (example: amongoc_let())