Tutorials# Topics BSON Handling Creation & Destruction Adding Data Reading BSON Data Storing Values in a Type-Erased Box A Default Box Initializing a Box with a Value Creating Simple Boxes Initializing a Box with a Custom Type Initializing a Box with a Custom Type and Destructor Function Viewing the Content of a Box Moving from a Box Using amongoc::unique_box in C++ Connecting to a MongoDB Server Including the amongoc APIs Creating an Event Loop Creating a Client Create the Continuation Create the Operation State Run the Program Clean up the Event Loop The Whole Program Writing Data Declaring Application State Type Starting with a Connection Declare the Application State Object Create the First Continuation Define the Continuation Tie, Start, and Run the Operation Error Checking The Full Program Reading Data Declaring Application State Type Parsing Command Arguments Starting with a Connection Create the First Continuation Define the Continuation Tie, Start, and Run the Operation Check for Errors The Full Program