Why Asynchrony?#

This library presents an asynchronous MongoDB client library.

To begin, we define asynchronous


An operation is asynchronous when its initiation (“what to do”) is specified separately from its continuation (“what to do next”), and they are connected by an event that fires at an indeterminate time in the future.

Asynchrony is the presence of asynchronous control flow.

While just about any operation can be made asynchronous, we are primarily concerned with asynchronous input and output operations. I/O operations tend to be extremely slow compared to all other operations, and their execution does not impede other work on the system.

The Problem of Synchronous I/O#

The overwhelming majority of all C APIs are synchronous, meaning that the initiation of an operation is inexorably tied to waiting for its completion. Consider the following example of a C++ function, lookup_user(), defined to find a user object from an unspecified resource:

struct user {
  string name;
  int age;
auto lookup_user(int uid) -> user;

and a simple use case of such an API:

vector<user> find_users(vector<int> uids) {
  vector<user> ret;
  for (auto uid : uids) {
    user u = lookup_user(uid);
  return ret;

That is: Given a list of user ID numbers, transform them into a list of the corresponding user objects. If lookup_user is a simple lookup to an in-memory table, this function is perfectly reasonable. If, on the other hand, lookup_user performs requests to Amazon Glacier, this function is catastrophically inefficient! While Glacier may be an extreme example, most workloads will not be so “instantaneous”, and the performance of the function will now depend on a lot of factors that the caller might not control. There are a few inefficiencies to note:

  • Each request must fully complete before the subsequent request is issued. This process scales linearly as the length of the array grows.

  • The database client will be completely unaware that it is going to be issuing multiple requests to the same datastore. It is likely that such an expensive request could be batched together, saving the user time and money.

  • The caller of find_users will need to wait until the entire list of users is fetched before being resumed. If the caller is updating a user interface, the UI will be blocked and unresponsive while the requests are in flight.

Threads: Not Good Enough#

It may be tempting to rewrite the function using threads. There are three basic approaches that one could take when applying threads to this problem:

  1. Spawn a single thread to perform each lookup sequentially, and return a std::future that resolves when the lookup completes.

  2. Spawn one thread per lookup, and return an array of futures that resolve asynchronously, OR a single future that resolves to the array of user objects once all results have arrived.

  3. Emulate behavior #2 by submitting the lookup tasks to a thread pool to perform the I/O operations.

While option #1 succeeds in unblocking the caller, it runs into the same issues of serializing the operations that we saw with the prior implementation.

Option #2 is good in that every operation runs in parallel, but now we require synchronization in the client and pay the overhead of using promise/future pairs. Additionally, for large arrays of user IDs, we could potentially spawn an arbitrary number of threads! No good!

Option #3 sounds promising, but is in fact the worst of both worlds: As the number of requested items grows, the performance degrades to be the same as our original serialized lookups, and we still need to add our synchronization. Additionally, we now have another contended resource: the thread pool itself.

The threading approach still leaves us with some open questions:

  1. How do we “cancel” an operation in progress?

  2. How do we attach a “continuation” to an operation? That is, how can we react to the completion of an operation?

With threads, problem #1 can be solved with additional synchronization primitives, except for in the case of thread pools, where a task may be queued behind arbitrarily many pending tasks, meaning that we would have to bake the idea of cancellation into the thread pool as well.

Problem #2 is extremely difficult to solve with threads. If we want to attach a continuation, where do we put it? What if the operation has already finished by the time we get around to attaching the continuation? How do we synchronize all of this stuff?

And even with all of the above, we have now forced the choice upon our users: Use threads and deal with all of the above problems alongside us, or you can’t use our library at all.

Does this Actually Matter?#

It might also be tempting to ask why we care so much. I/O is reasonably fast, right?

In the case of test environments and developer workstations, where the database is running on the same host and we’re only issuing a few requests at a time and we always need to wait for it to complete, it is perfectly reasonable to use synchronous operations. For many simple applications, synchrony is satisfactory.

For any workload where latency and responsiveness matter, this is a total non-starter.

As shown in the prior example, even simple uses of the API can become problematic. By providing a synchronous database API, we are forcing our users to resort to the aforementioned “bad” pseudo-async designs by offloading our client library into its own thread to get out of the way of their application.