
template<typename T, typename E = amongoc_status>
class result#

Implements a sum type over a success type T and an error type E. A result \(R\) holds either an instance of T or an instance of E (reference types are supported!)

using success_type = T#
using error_type = T#

The success type and error type of the result, respectively.


Default-construct to a successful value, if possible.

template<typename U>
result(U &&arg)#

Conditionally-explicit converting constructor. Requires that U is explicit-convertbile to T but not explicit-convertible to E. This constructor is explicit unless U is implicit-convertbile to T.

template<typename ...Args>
result(success_tag<Args...> tag)#
template<typename ...Args>
result(error_tag<Args...> tag)#

In-place constructs a success value or an error value, respectively.


tag – The tag contains a tuple of bound constructor arguments that will be forwarded to consrtuct the underlying object.

This requires that the corresponding contained type be constructible from the argument types that are bound within the tag.

bool has_value() const#
bool has_error() const#

Test whether the result contains a value or an error, respectively.

auto error_tag()#

Create an amongoc::error_tag object that can be used to construct a new result containing the same error as this result.


has_error() == true

This function is cvref-overloaded to perfect-forward the contained error.

auto value()#
auto operator*()#

Obtain the contained value, or throw an exception if the result is errant.


Throws an error according to error_traits

This function is cvref-overloaded to perfect-forward the contained value.

auto error()#

Obtain the contained error.


has_error() == true

This function is cvref-overloaded to perfect-forward the contained error.

class success_tag#
class error_tag#

Tag types that are used to construct a result with a set of arguments.

auto success(auto&&... args)#
auto error(auto&&... args)#

Returns a success_tag or error_tag, respectively, with the given argumounts bound. When the tags are then converted to a result, the bound arguments are used to construct the underlying success/error value for that result.


The arguments are stored within the tag by-reference (including by r-value reference), so the tag should be immediately used to construct a result to avoid dangling references.

template<typename E>
struct error_traits#

Determines how to throw an exception for a result.

[[noreturn]] static void throw_exception(const E &e)#

Throws an exception based on e

The following specializations are provided for E:


Throws a std::system_error


Calls std::rethrow_exception

Any type derived from std::exception

Simply throws the exception


Throws an amongoc::exception for the status

result Combinators and Helpers#

template<typename F>
class result_fmap#

Provides a monadic fmap-style combinator for the given function F.

template<typename T, typename E>
requires std::invocable<F, T>
auto operator()(
result<T, E> res,
) -> result<std::invoke_result_t<F, T>, E>#

Call the fmap object with a result res with a value type T and error type E.

Requires that the wrapped F be invocable with a T and return a new value of type \(R\) (which may be a reference or void).

  • If res has a value, then the underlying F will be invoked with that value, and the result will be wrapped in a new result<R, E>.

  • If res does not hold a value, then F will not be invoked, and the error in res will be used to initialize a result<R, E> with an errant state.

template<typename T, typename E>
result<T, E> result_join(
result<result<T, E>, E> r,

“Flattens” a result-of-result r.


This is an invocable object type with the above signature, not an actual function template.

template<typename T, typename E>
requires nanosender<T>
class nanosender_traits<result<T, E>>#

A specialization of amongoc::nanosender_traits that allows a result to act as a nanosender if its success value type is itself a nanosender.