

This page is for amongoc developers and the documented components and behavior are not part of any public API guarantees.

amongoc contains a modified subset of the P2300 Senders+Receivers library known as nanosenders. This name reflects the reduced/simplified feature set and API surface.

Traits & Types#

template<typename S>
struct nanosender_traits#

Allows customization of a type S to behave as a nanosender

using sends_type = S::sends_type#

The type that will be sent by S when it completes.

template<nanoreceiver_of<sends_type> R>
nanooperation auto connect(
S &&s,
R &&r,
) [[1]]#
template<nanoreceiver_of<sends_type> R>
nanooperation connect(
const S &s,
R &&r,
) [[2]]#

Connects a nanosender s to a nanoreceiver r.

  • Overload #1 calls std::move(s).connect(std::forward<R>(r)) (Move-connects)

  • Overload #2 calls s.connect(std::forward<R>(r)) (Copy-connects)

Both overloads are constrained on whether their associated expression is valid. This call will return a nanooperation.

template<typename S>
using sends_t#

Get the type that will be sent by a nanosender via nanosender_traits. Yields the type nanosender_traits<std::remove_cvref_t<S>>::sends_type.

template<typename T>
class archetype_nanoreceiver#

A type that implements nanoreceiver_of


template<typename S>
concept nanosender#
S &&s#
archetype_nanoreceiver<sends_t<S>> recv#


  • typename sends_t<S> must name a non-void type

  • nanosender_traits<std::remove_cvref_t<S>>::connect(std::move(s), std::move(recv)) – Must create a nanooperation by connecting the nanosender s to the nanoreceiver recv

template<typename S, typename T>
concept nanosender_of#

Matches a nanosender S whose sends_t<S> is convertible to T.

template<typename R, typename T>
concept nanoreceiver_of = std::invocable<R, T>#

The object must be invocable with the given value as its sole argument. The receiver and value will be perfect-forwarded for the invocation.

A nanoreceiver can safely assume that it will only be invoked once.

template<typename R, typename S>
concept nanoreceiver_for = nanosender<S> and nanoreceiver_of<sends_t<S>>#

Check that the type R is a valid receiver for the sender S.

template<typename O>
concept nanooperation#

A type that holds the operation state of a connected nanosender and associated nanoreceiver.

O &op#


  • op.start() noexcept – Launches the associated operation.


template<nanosender S, nanoreceiver_for<S> R>
nanooperation auto connect(
S &&s,
R &&r,

Connects a nanosender s to a nanoreceiver r. Perfect-forwards each argument. Returns a new operation state.


This is an invocable object, not a function template

template<nanosender S, std::invocable<sends_t<S>> H>
requires nanosender<std::invoke_result_t<H, sends_t<S>>>
nanosender auto let(
S &&s,
H &&handler,
) [[1]]#
auto let(auto &&handler) [[2]]#

Create a continuation sender \(S_{\tt ret}\) for the nanosender s. The invocable handler must return a new nanosender when invoked with the value sent by s.

The overload [[2]] of let() that accepts only a handler returns a closure object that can be used as the right-hand size of an operator|. The expression s | let(h) is equivalent to let(s, h).

  • s – A nanosender to be continued.

  • handler – A handler function that must accept a sends_t argument and must return a nanosender object.


A new nanosender \(S_{\tt ret}\), which sends sends_t<invoke_result_t<H, sends_t<S>>>

When s completes, the handler will be invoked with the result from s to obtain a new nanosender \(S'\).

\(S'\) will be immediately connect()ed to another receiver to form a new nanooperation \(O'\), which will be started immediately to continue the composed operation. The result value sent by \(S'\) will be re-sent via \(S_{\tt ret}\).

This is the C++ equivalent of amongoc_let() (and amongoc_let() is implemented in terms of let()).

template<nanosender S, std::invocable<sends_t<S>> H>
nanosender auto then(
S &&s,
H &&handler,
) [[1]]#
auto then(auto &&handler) [[2]]#

Create a continuation sender \(S_{\tt ret}\) for the nanosender s. The return value from handler will be the new value that is sent by \(S_{\tt ret}\).

The overload [[2]] of then() that accepts only a handler returns a closure object that can be used as the right-hand size of an operator|. The expression s | then(h) is equivalent to then(s, h).

  • s – A nanosender to be composed.

  • handler – A handler function that must be invocable with sends_t<S>, which returns a \(T\).


A new nanosender \(S_{\tt ret}\) that sends a \(T\).


template<typename Predicate, nanosender... S>
class first_where#
template<nanosender... S>
class first_completed#

Provides a nanosender \(S\) that completes with a std::variant<sends_t<S...>> \(V\), where the active alternative in \(V\) corresponds to the nanosender \(S\) which first completed.

The Predicate type is a predicate that determines when to accept a value from the input senders. A first_completed sender is equivalent to a first_where that accepts every value value it sees.

When the first value is accepted, all other pending nanosenders will be cancelled immediately. \(S\) will only resolve once all input senders resolve, so it is essential that the input senders respect cancellation otherwise the operation for \(S\) will stall waiting for the senders to complete normally.

using sends_type = std::variant<sends_t<S>...>#


first_completed supports CTAD, and is recommended for most cases.

template<typename T>
class just#

Provides a nanosender \(S\) that immediately completes with a T. The connected receiver will be invoked within the start() call on the resulting operation.

using sends_type = T#


The stored value will be perfect-forwarded and supports reference types for T:

  • If given an lvalue \(x\), then just will store an lvalue reference to \(x\). When it completes, the receiver will be passed an lvalue reference to that \(x\).

  • If given an r-value of type T, then just will hold a copy of that value.

  • If just is copy-connected, then the held T will be copied into the operation state as a T. (Copy-connecting a just requires that T be copy-constructible.)

  • If just is move-connected, then the held T will be moved into the operation state as a T.


Beware that passing an lvalue via CTAD to just will cause the just to hold a reference to that lvalue:

auto foo() {
  std::string h = "Hello!";
  return just(h); // UB!! The returned just() holds a reference to `h`!

If you have an lvalue that you want to give ownership to a just, use std::move to give the object to the just:

std::string some_string = xyz();
auto J = just(std::move(some_string));  // J now owns the `some_string`

If you want to give just an independent copy without moving-from the object, use auto() to force a copy:

std::string some_string = xyz();
auto J = just(auto(some_string));  // J owns a copy of `some_string`

C API Compatibilty#

The nanosender APIs are not part of the public API, but are used to implement it.

unique_emitter is a nanosender#

The unique_emitter type acts as a nanosender which sends an emitter_result value.

When a nanoreceiver_of<emitter_result> is connected a unique_emitter, the C++ receiver type will be converted to a unique_handler using as_handler().

unique_handler is a nanoreceiver_of<emitter_result>#

A unique_handler object can be used as a receiver of emitter_result via its unique_handler::operator()().


unique_handler as_handler(mlib::allocator<> a, auto &&recv)#

Creates a unique_handler \(H\) from a C++ nanoreceiver.

  • a – An allocator for the handler’s state. Only used if recv cannot be inlined within a box.

  • recv – A nanoreceiver. Must be a receiver for either an emitter_result or a result<unique_box>.


A new unique_handler \(H\)

When the handler \(H\) is completed, the status and value are bound in either an emitter_result or a result<unique_box> (whichever is expected by recv) and then passed to recv.

unique_emitter as_emitter(mlib::allocator<> a, nanosender auto &&snd)#

Create a unique_emitter \(E\) from a C++ nanosender.

  • a – An allocator for the emitter’s state. Only used if snd cannot be inlined within a box.

  • snd – A nanosender. Must send an emitter_result.


A new unique_emitter \(E\).

When the sender snd completes with an emitter_result \(R\), the status and value from \(R\) will be passed to amongoc_handler_complete().