

This page is for amongoc developers and the documented components and behavior are not part of any public API guarantees.

The C++ implementation of amongoc can use C++ coroutines to implement asynchronous control flow.

For simple operations, prefer to compose nanosenders directly. For more complex control flow, using coroutines enhances maintainability and readability.


Be sure to read the Memory Allocation section below, which specifies requirements on the parameters of coroutines.

Coroutine Types#

amongoc_emitter as a Coroutine#

The C API type amongoc_emitter is valid as a coroutine function return type. The coroutine state will be allocated and stored within the amongoc_emitter::userdata, and the coroutine will be destroyed when the generated emitter is destroyed.


Be sure to read the The Explicit Ramp End section!

Coroutines created from amongoc_emitter are lazily started only when the emitter is attached to a handler and the operation is launched with amongoc_start().

From within an amongoc_emitter coroutine, one of the following can be returned with co_return:

The Explicit Ramp End#


An amongoc_emitter coroutine must await amongoc::ramp_end exactly once before doing anything.

The coroutine ramp is a special construct generated by the compiler and is the portion of code evaluated immediately when a coroutine function is called, and continues until the first suspend point in the coroutine. The compiler will insert coroutine ramp code automatically for all coroutines. This is the code that initializes the promise and copies the coroutine arguments into the coroutine state.

If a coroutine is set to std::suspend_always at its promise_interface::initial_suspend() point, the coroutine ramp is entirely hidden. The amongoc_emitter coroutine is different from the co_task coroutine in that it is eager starting. That is: It’s initial suspend point is std::suspend_never, meaning it does not start suspended. An amongoc_emitter coroutine must explicitly suspend exactly once before it attempts to call any other coroutines or perform any asynchronous operations. This should be performed by awaiting the special amongoc::ramp_end object exactly once.

The purpose of this design is so that an amongoc_emitter coroutine may make copies of its arguments before suspending and returning control to the caller. This is useful to capture arguments by-value that were passed by reference from the caller. For example:

amongoc_emitter do_something(mlib_allocator a, const char* some_string) {
  // We want to take a copy of `some_string` from the caller to persist it
  // in the coroutine state.
  auto s = amongoc::string(some_string, a);
  co_await amongoc::ramp_end;

  // The caller may have freed `some_string`, but we are okay because we have
  // a copy in `s`

  // Do the rest of the asynchronous operation...

The amongoc::ramp_end will suspend the coroutine and resume to the caller. This allows us to effectively add our own custom code to the coroutine ramp.

Refer to the implementation of CRUD operations for clear examples of using ramp_end.


It is safe for an amongoc_emitter to throw an exception or return a value before the ramp_end.

Exception Handling with amongoc_emitter#

If an amongoc_emitter coroutine throws an exception, the following will happen:

  1. If the exception is derived from std::system_error, the error code will be given to amongoc_status::from() and the resulting status object will be the result status of the emitter, with an amongoc_nil result value.

  2. Otherwise, if the exception type is derived from an amongoc::exception, then the exception::status() will be the result status of the emitter.

  3. Otherwise, if the exception type is std::bad_alloc, the emitter will resolve with generic cateogry and ENOMEM.

  4. Otherwise, the program will terminate. Don’t let this happen!

amongoc::co_task as a Coroutine#

template<typename T>
class co_task#

This is a dedicated C++ coroutine return type. It is move-only. Using a co_task as a coroutine is more efficient than using amongoc_emitter, but is not part of the public API, so its usage is limited to internal interfaces only.

using result_type = result<T, std::exception_ptr>#
nanosender auto as_sender() &&#

Convert the coroutine to a nanosender. It will send a result_type object.

Exception Handling with co_task#

If a co_task \(A\) is awaited within another co_task coroutine \(B\) and the coroutine associated with \(A\) throws an exception \(x\), then \(x\) will be re-thrown within \(B\) when \(A\) is co_await’d.

When used as a nanosender (i.e. with co_task::as_sender() ), if the underlying coroutine throws an unhandled exception, then the sent result object will contain a std::exception_ptr for that exception.

Awaitable Types#

Within an amongoc_emitter coroutine or a co_task coroutine, any type that meets nanosender is valid for co_await-ing (this includes unique_emitter itself, since it implements the nanosender interface).

When awaiting a nanosender \(S\), a special receiver will be connected to \(S\) that will resume the parent coroutine. This will schedule the coroutine to be resumed by \(S\) when it invokes the attached receiver.

The result type from the co_await on the nanosender will be the sends_t of that nanosender. When awaiting a unique_emitter, this will be an emitter_result.

Exception Throwing#

nanosenders, unlike P2300 senders, do not have a distinct error channel. For that reason, co_await-ing a nanosender will never throw an exception. Instead, error information must be transmitted through the nanosender’s result type.

Memory Allocation#

C++ coroutines support customizing the allocation of the coroutine’s state. Coroutines based on amongoc_emitter and co_task will refuse to use the default operator new, and require that a mlib::allocator is provided to the coroutine.

For this reason, a co_task or amongoc_emitter coroutine must accept as its first parameter one of:

  1. A pointer to amongoc_loop (which is assumed to never be nullptr!) – The mlib::allocator will be obtained from the event loop.

  2. A mlib::allocator directly.

  3. An mlib_allocator, which will be converted to a mlib::allocator.

  4. Any type which supports get_allocator with an allocator that is convertible to a mlib::allocator.

If this requirement is not met, then the coroutine will fail to compile when attempting to resolve the operator new for the coroutine.


Note that the C++ coroutine machinery handles this transparently, so the parameter need only be present, not necessarily used within the coroutine itself:

co_task<int> add_numbers(allocator<> /* unnamed */, int a, int b) {
  co_return a + b;

In the above, event though the mlib::allocator parameter is unnamed and unused within the coroutine body, it will still be used by the coroutine’s promise to allocate memory for the coroutine state.

Allocation Failure#

If allocation fails for a co_task coroutine, then the coroutine function will immediately throw without returning a co_task object. If allocation fails for an amongoc_emitter coroutine, then the returned emitter will be from amongoc_alloc_failure().

Parameter Lifetimes#

An important thing to remember about coroutines is that the parameters are captured by their declared type. This means that reference parameters are captured by reference, including reference-like types (e.g. std::string_view and bson_view).

Because of these capture semantics, care should be taken that reference-like parameters outlive the coroutine body for the duration that they are used. This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Capture only using value types. This means that std::string_view and const std::string& should be passed as std::string instead.

  2. Document the lifetime requirements of reference-like parameters. This places the onus on the user, and is often less than ideal.

  3. Create a shim function that copies arguments by-value before calling the real coroutine:

    emitter resolve_addr(const char* address) {
      return _co_resolve(std::string(address));
    static emitter _co_resolve(std::string s) {
      co_await do_stuff(s);

Note that this is a non-issue for coroutines that are immediately co_await’d in their caller’s scope, since the lifetime of the arguments is guaranteed to be at least the lifetime of the coroutine itself:

co_task<int> use_string(std::string const& s) {
  co_await do_stuff(s);
  co_return 0;

co_task<int> outer_co() {
  co_await use_string("I am a string");

In the above, a temporary std::string is passed to use_string and the reference parameter will be bound to that temporary. This is safe here, because the coroutine for use_string is immediately awaited and is guaranteed to complete before the temporary string is destroyed.

Coroutines Versus Nanosenders#

It is reasonable to ask when to use coroutines versus using nanosenders directly. It may be tempting to use coroutines always, since they are easier to write and read than a pipeline of then and let closures.

The following drawbacks of coroutines over pure nanosenders might be considered:

  1. A coroutine often requires requires dynamic memory allocation, unless the compiler can perform allocation elision, which is still a very fragile optimization. A composed nanosender will often require no dynamic memory allocation at all!

    However, this allocation requirement is not usually a problem for amongoc_emitter coroutines, since they would need to dynamically allocate storage anyway if they would need to use nanosenders that wouldn’t fit inside of an amongoc_box.

  2. Reference parameter lifetime can be tricky to deal with. This is managable, but requires care.

  3. A amongoc_emitter created from a coroutine will require slightly more memory than an amongoc_emitter created from an equivalent nanosender.

When to Use Coroutines#

It should also be considered that coroutines will astronomically improve maintainability in the face of non-trivial control flow, such as looping, branching, recursion, and error propagation.

In general, prefer coroutines for high-level constructs that require non-trivial control flow.

When to Use Nanosenders#

The pure nanosender APIs should be used for very small building-blocks and high-traffic APIs, since they are guaranteed to be non-allocating.

Coroutine Machinery in amongoc#

This section will be a crash-course on C++20 coroutine machinery and how it is implemented in amongoc.

See also

For a more detailed explanation of how coroutines operate, see the cppreference page about C++ coroutines.

C++ coroutines give a large amount of flexibility to the author in terms of how they are scheduled and how they communicate with their surrounding context.

Triggering Coroutine Magic#

The C++ coroutine machinery is not triggered by the signature of the function, but by the presence of a coroutine control keyword within the function body (i.e. co_await, co_return, or co_yield). A function is not a coroutine unless it uses a coroutine keyword, even if the return type of the function is a coroutine type. For example:

co_task<int> this_is_not_a_coroutine() {
  return this_is_a_coroutine();

co_task<int> this_is_a_coroutine() {
  co_return 42;

In the above, this_is_not_a_coroutine is a regular function that happens to return a co_task object.

When the compiler sees a coroutine control keyword, it transforms the function definition into a coroutine function. It uses std::coroutine_traits to look up the promise of the coroutine.

Support Concepts#

template<typename A>
concept awaiter#


This is not a real library concept, and is only for illustrative purposes

An awaiter is used at a co_await expression to control the behavior of the that co_await expression and the (possible) suspension of the enclosing coroutine.

template<typename P>
auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<P> suspender)#
Template Parameters:

P – The promise type of the coroutine that is being suspended.

When the parent coroutine suspends, it will call await_suspend() with a handle to the coroutine that is being suspended. This give the awaiter the opportunity to reschedule the coroutine at some point in the future. If await_suspend() returns a new coroutine handle \(R\), then \(R\) will be resumed after the enclosing coroutine suspends (this is known as symmetric transfer). If await_suspend() returns void, then control returns to the resumer of the coroutine.

auto await_resume()#

When the coroutine is resumed, the await_resume() function will determine the result of the co_await expression that uses the awaiter.

bool await_ready()#

If the await_ready function returns true, then the coroutine will skip the call of await_suspend() and immediately calls await_resume() to obtain the co_await result without ever suspending the coroutine.

template<typename A>
concept awaitable#

An object \(A\) is awaitable if:

  1. It has a member operator co_await() that returns an awaiter

  2. There is a non-member operator co_await(A) that returns an awaiter

  3. The object \(A\) is itself a valid awaiter

When a co_await expression appears in a coroutine body, the compiler will attempt to obtain an awaiter according to the above rules.

coroutine handle#

The handle of a coroutine is a pointer-like type accessed using std::coroutine_handle<P>, where the template parameter P is the promise type of the coroutine, or void to represent a handle to a coroutine with an unknown promise type.

The coroutine handle allows one to resume or destroy a coroutine. If the template argument is non-void, then the promise object can also be obtained via the coroutine handle.

Promise Types#

coroutine promise#

The coroutine promise implements the primary control surface for a C++ coroutine.

When a coroutine function is called, a promise object will be created automatically in an unspecified storage location (usually dynamically allocated beside the coroutine state, but may be elided). The promise will live as long as the coroutine is alive, and will be destroyed when the coroutine is destroyed. A promise object is never moved nor copied (its address is always stable).

amongoc uses two main promise types: emitter_promise and co_task<T>::promise_type.

A coroutine promise should implement the following interface:

template<typename P>
concept promise_interface#


This is not a real library concept, and is only to describe the coroutine promise interface.


This function will be called to get the object that is returned when a coroutine function is initially called. In the following:

my_coroutine_obj do_stuff() {
  co_await do_other_stuff();
my_coroutine_obj o = do_stuff();

The promise’s get_return_object() is responsible for constructing the my_coroutine_obj object returned when do_stuff() is first called.

static get_return_object_on_allocation_failure()#

This is required if the promise implements custom memory allocation in a way that doesn’t throw.

This will be called instead of get_return_object() if the custom operator new() returns a null pointer.

void unhandled_exception()#

This function is invoked as-if within a catch block that encloses the entire coroutine body. It allows the coroutine to handle exceptions that escape without being handled.

awaiter auto initial_suspend()#

Must return an awaiter that acts as the initial suspend point for the coroutine. This happens before any code within the coroutine body executes. This is usually std::suspend_always or std::suspend_never.

awaiter auto final_suspend()#

Must return an awaiter that acts as the final suspend point for the coroutine. This happens after all code within the coroutine body executes. It runs after any co_return statement or after an unhandled exception escapes.

If the coroutine does not suspend at its final suspend point, then the coroutine will be immediately destroyed by the runtime and all outstanding coroutine handles are invalidated (for this reason, it is most common to always suspend at the final suspend point).

void return_value(auto &&x)#

This function is invoked when a co_return statement is executed in the coroutine body. The parameter x is the operand to the co_return statement.

promise_interface(auto&&... args)#
void *operator new(std::size_t n, auto&&... args)#
void operator delete(void *p, std::size_t n)#

Implements dynamic memory allocation and construction for the coroutine state and promise. n specifies the minimum number of bytes required for the coroutine state. The arguments args are the arguments that are given when the coroutine function was invoked. This allows operator new() and the promise constructor to have access to any arguments passed to the coroutine, allowing for allocator injection and behavior customization.


At time of writing, GCC has a bug if the coroutine function is a non-static member function and the promise has customized operator new(). C++ requires that the object of the member function is passed as the first argument in args, but GCC 14 itself will crash if it encounters this situation.

auto get_stop_token()#
auto get_allocator()#


These functions are not part of the standard C++ coroutine interface, but are used by amongoc to transmit stop tokens and allocators between coroutines and nanosenders.

Returns the stop token and the allocator associated with the coroutine.

class coroutine_promise_allocator_mixin#

A mixin base class for promise types that implements dynamic memory allocation according to Memory Allocation.

struct emitter_promise : coroutine_promise_allocator_mixin#

Implements promise_interface for coroutines with an amongoc_emitter declared return type. Only the notable members are documented below.

unique_handler fin_handler#

This is the handler that is attached to the emitter during amongoc_emitter_connect_handler(). This starts out as a null handler until the emitter is connected.

handler_stop_token get_stop_token() const#

Returns the stop token associated with fin_handler.

static amongoc_emitter get_return_object_on_allocation_failure() noexcept#

Returns an emitter from amongoc_alloc_failure().

void unhandled_exception() noexcept#

Implements a conversion from an unhandled exception type to an amongoc_status value that will be sent to fin_handler. Only a subset of exception types are supported, and other exceptions will cause the program to terminate.

awaiter auto final_suspend() noexcept#

During final suspension, the handler fin_handler will be completed with the final result value for the coroutine.

template<typename T>
struct co_task<T>::finisher_base#

Abstract base class that implements the behavior when a co_task completes. This allows for a co_task to act as a nanosender or as an awaitable.

virtual std::coroutine_handle<> on_final_suspend() = 0#

Called after final suspension of the coroutine. The returned coroutine will be resumed after the co_task completes.

virtual in_place_stop_token stop_token() = 0#

Obtian the stop token for use with the coroutine.

template<typename T>
struct co_task<T>::promise_type : coroutine_promise_allocator_mixin#

Implements the promise_interface for co_task coroutines.

finisher_base *_finisher#

A pointer to a concrete finisher_base object that tells the coroutine how to execute.

in_place_stop_token get_stop_token()#

Obtains a stop token via _finisher finisher_base::stop_token()

awaiter auto final_suspend()#

Implements the final suspend point. Final suspension simply returns the coroutine handle of finisher_base::on_final_suspend() from _finisher. The behavior of _finisher depends on whether the task is used as a nanosender or as an awaitable:

  1. As a nanosender, the finisher will invoke the receiver attached to the nanosender, passing it the result_type object for the coroutine.

  2. As an awaitable, the finisher will resume the coroutine that is awaiting the co_task, at which point the co_await will either throw an exception or return the successful return value from the co_task.

Awaiting a Nanosender#

nanosender await is performed by a non-member operator co_await() that is constrained on the nanosender concept. It returns a nanosender_awaiter.

template<nanosender S>
class nanosender_awaiter#

Implements an awaiter object for a nanosender \(S\).

bool await_ready() const#

Returns true if-and-only-if the underlying nanosender is known to complete synchronously.

sends_t<S> await_resume() noexcept#

Returns the result value that was sent by the enclosed nanosender S. This causes co_await on a nanosender to return sends_t of the nanosender type.

template<typename Promise>
void await_suspend(
std::coroutine_handle<Promise> suspender,

Handles suspension. An internal nanoreceiver_of<sends_t<S>> \(R\) is created, which, when invoked, will call resume() on the suspender coroutine. The wrapped nanosender \(S\) is connected to the receiver \(R\) and the resulting nanooperation is launched immediately. The operation state is stored within the awaiter.

Queries on the receiver \(R\) are forwarded to the promise of suspender. This exposes the stop token and allocator of the enclosing coroutine through the receiver \(R\), and is required for cancellation to work.

Awaiting a co_task#

Awaiting on a co_task calls a member function operator co_await on the co_task. This returns a co_task<T>::awaiter object.

template<typename T>
class co_task<T>::awaiter#

Implements an awaiter object for a co_task

bool await_ready() const#

Always returns false (co_task coroutines are lazy and never complete immediately).

T await_resume()#

Obtain the result of the awaited coroutine. If the awaited coroutine threw an exception, this function will re-throw that same exception.

template<typename P>
std::coroutine_handle<> await_suspend(
std::coroutine_handle<P> suspender,

Suspends the parent coroutine and immediately launches the awaited coroutine.

As with nanosender_awaiter, the stop token from P will be passed through to the enclosing co_task